When it comes to modern embedded system development, STMicroelectronics (ST) has consistently been the top choice for numerous engineers and developers. Their STM32 series microcontrollers (MCUs) have always been highly regarded, and the STM32G474RET6, as a robust 32-bit MCU (Microcontroller Unit), combines various advanced features suitable for multiple application domains. In this article, we will delve into the STM32G474RET6 MCU, showcasing its powerful performance and application areas to provide a deeper understanding of this microcontroller.


1、High-Performance Core of STM32G474RET6

The core processor of a good MCU is crucial for its performance. The STM32G474RET6 employs a Cortex-M4 core with a maximum clock frequency of 170 MHz. This core demonstrates exceptional mathematical computation capabilities, particularly excelling in complex control algorithms and digital signal processing (DSP). Additionally, it incorporates a Floating-Point Unit (FPU) that offers hardware support for floating-point calculations, a vital feature for many applications.

2、Memory and Storage of STM32G474RET6 

Memory and storage capacities are critical for many applications. The STM32G474RET6 is equipped with 512 KB of Flash memory for storing application code and data. It also features 128 KB of Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) for temporary data storage. This ample memory space is particularly useful for applications that deal with large data streams or the simultaneous execution of multiple tasks.

3、Rich Peripheral Set of STM32G474RET6

The STM32G474RET6 integrates a variety of peripherals to meet the requirements of diverse applications. It includes multiple general-purpose timers for generating precise timing and pulse signals. Serial communication interfaces encompass SPI, I2C, and UART, enabling easy connectivity with external sensors, displays, and other devices. Additionally, it incorporates an Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) for accurate analog signal acquisition, a valuable feature for data acquisition and sensor applications.


4、Low Power Consumption of STM32G474RET6

In many embedded applications, low power consumption is crucial. The STM32G474RET6 supports multiple low-power modes to reduce power consumption when high performance is not needed. This is highly beneficial for portable devices, battery-powered equipment, and long-term deployments, allowing you to select different low-power modes to maximize battery life according to your application's requirements.

5、Security of STM32G474RET6

Data security is a primary concern in today's embedded system designs. The STM32G474RET6 provides multi-layer security at the hardware level. It features hardware encryption and decryption engines for protecting sensitive information. Furthermore, it supports secure boot features to ensure that only authorized code runs, helping prevent unauthorized access and code modifications.

6、Application Domains of STM32G474RET6

The versatility of the STM32G474RET6 makes it suitable for numerous application domains. Here are some examples of common application areas:

  • Industrial automation and control systems: Suitable for controlling factory equipment and monitoring production processes.

  • Motor control: Applicable for motor driving, control, and monitoring.

  • Consumer electronics products: Used in smart home devices and embedded audio processing, among others.

  • Communication devices: Used in data communication, network equipment, and Internet of Things (IoT) applications.

  • Medical devices: Suitable for medical equipment, health monitoring, and medical imaging.

  • Automotive control systems: Applicable to automotive Electronic Control Units (ECUs) and vehicle networks.

  • Home automation: Used for smart home control, security systems, and automation.


Earlier, we discussed the STM32G474RET6, which is a microcontroller in the STM32G4 series. In addition to the STM32G4 series, STMicroelectronics offers several other series, such as STM32F, STM32H, and STM32L. Below is a table highlighting the differences between the STM32G4, STM32F, STM32H, and STM32L series:

Characteristic STM32G4 Series STM32F Series STM32H Series STM32L Series
Processor Core Cortex-M4 Cortex-M4, Cortex-M7 Cortex-M7 Cortex-M4
Maximum Clock Frequency 170 MHz 180 MHz 480 MHz 120 MHz
Memory and Storage 512 KB Flash, 128 KB SRAM 1 MB Flash, 256 KB SRAM 2 MB Flash, 1 MB SRAM 1 MB Flash, 320 KB SRAM
Peripheral Support General Timers, SPI, I2C, UART, ADC Various peripherals including general timers, SPI, I2C, UART, ADC Various peripherals including general timers, SPI, I2C, UART, ADC Various peripherals including general timers, SPI, I2C, UART, ADC
Low-Power Modes Support Yes Yes Yes Yes
Security Features Hardware encryption, Secure Boot Hardware encryption, Secure Boot Hardware encryption, Secure Boot Hardware encryption, Secure Boot
Application Areas General, Industrial Control, Medical Devices, IoT General, Industrial Control, Communication Devices, Consumer Electronics High-Performance Applications, Industrial Automation, Medical Devices Low-Power, Portable Devices, Home Automation

STM32G474RET6 STMicroelectronics 32bit MCU


















11、In summary

The STM32G474RET6 is a versatile 32-bit microcontroller known for its high performance, low power consumption, and security features. It is suitable for a wide range of application areas, from industrial automation to consumer electronics, making it a powerful tool for both newcomers and experts to realize their creative and innovative ideas.

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